Post #6 April fooled

I apologize now for being a day late and a dollar short on this article. I can’t move back time and give you your day back, but I’ll do my best to find you that dollar. Hopefully…

A little background, this story comes to you from High school. It was my sophomore year, I was second in command in the track and field team, and my older sister and all of her friends were seniors and pretty much ran the school. They had keys into anything and everything.

This story start out a little differently. It was april fools day, and me and a bunch of the football guys were planning a prank to play on the entire high school. We wanted to see if we could get away with putting something in everyone else’s lockers. We quickly found out, however, that if we wanted to do that, we would have to risk getting punished greater if students didn’t take to the joke and complained. So we quickly scratched that Idea, and decided that we would put fish in all of the sings and toilets in the school bathrooms. Now this sounds like a much more monumental task than it really was. There was only one big male and female bathroom, and both of those had 4 stalls, and the male bathroom had a couple urinals. So we only had to buy 20 little fish total. We felt pretty proud of how economical we were going to be this april fools day.

SO the day came around, and we thought we were the funniest people on campus. Girls were grossed out, guys were impressed, and the cool teachers even gave us a nod of approval in secret. We thought we were kings of campus for that one. The beginning of the day was pretty much amazing for us football guys.

Then lunch came around. We all ate, and nothing was thought of past our prank.

After lunch that year, my following class was spanish. And I had a hard enough time learning a new language, but combine that with the fact that my spanish teacher was next to impossible to understand, and that never worked out with me all year. So about half the class went by, and then I got called down to the principals office via intercom. This wasn’t out of the ordinary, except I didn’t know what I had done this time to get into trouble. When I got there the conversation went something like this.

“Luke, please have a seat”

Yeah of course, what am I here for?

“Luke I’ve become really disappointed in you today”

For what?

“Luke, you just don’t seem to be trying anymore.”

I.. I don’t? I’m sorry, what am I not trying in?

“Luke I just don’t see what you’re doing at this school anymore, like what exactly do you wish to accomplish?”

Uhhhh, I just thought I was here to get through and graduate. Is there more I should do?

“Luke I had a really hard choice I had to make last night. To put it straight we’re overflowed in our high-school, and we need to let a student go. I had to let you go.”

Wait… wait what does that mean?

“Luke, we no longer need you at this High School.”

Are you serious?!?!?!

“Hahaha, no, not at all (My sister and two of her friends walk in) APRIL FOOLS!!!!!

When that happened, my face probably lookes something like 

Buuuuuut then I went back to class and I was able to laugh it off. I never liked that principle after that. And I never tried to. Still to this day we will not talk. There are more reasons than just this incident for that, but maybe that will be another story.

Now if you would have been there with me, I know I would have had a support system. You would have got people riled up about the principle doing this to me, or you would have been the one facilitating the entire prank. Of course, you tell me you didn’t come out of your shell much in high school, so the Becca now would have done the prank, not the one back when I was a sophomore and you were a little freshman.

The point is, I know you would have been able to make me laugh, because you’re able to make me laugh so easily now. I know that I can share many laughs with you, and I can’t wait to walk further down this road and find them out.

Here’s your dollar back, btw.

Welp, now I’m gonna right the story I was supposed to write today. Can you wait just a little while longer for it? You can? Awesome. 🙂

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